
Amman's portrait of a papermaker.


Amman's portrait of a book printing shop.


Amman's portrait of a bookbinder's studio.

Detail map of (50.111668,1.087) Overview map of (50.111668,1.087)

A: (50.111668,1.087)

Jost Amman's Images of Trades and Technologies, with Descriptions in Verse


Amman's portrait of a punch cutter creating type.

In 1568 Swiss artist and book illustrator Jost Amman and poet, playwright, and shoemaker Hans Sachs published Eygentliche Beschreibung aller Stände auff Erden, hoher und nidriger, geistlicher und weltlicher, aller Künsten, Handwercken und Händeln ... Durch d. weitberümpten Hans Sachsen gantz fleissig beschrieben u. in teutsche Reimen gefasset in Frankfurt am Mayn. This series of illustrated descriptions of trades, accompanied by Sach's text in verse, included one of the earliest accounts–however brief–of the printing art, and one of the earliest images of the press. It also described and illustrated the art of making woodcuts, papermaking and bookbinding. 


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