Detail map of Menlo Park, California, United States Overview map of Menlo Park, California, United States

A: Menlo Park, California, United States

The Homebrew Computer Club Holds its First Meeting

First issue of the Homebrew Computer Club newsletter

First issue of the Homebrew Computer Club newsletter published ten days after the club's first meeting on March 5. It was edited by Fred Moore, and dated March 15, 1975. From the library of Len Shustek. Computer History Museum.

The Homebrew Computer Club held its first meeting at a garage in Menlo Park, California. At this and other informal meetings of "tech-type" people Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak learned about computing. The first issue of the Homebrew Computer Club Newsletter was published on March 15, 1975. It continued through several designs, ending after 21 issues in December 1977. The newsletter was published from a variety of addresses in the early days, but later submissions went to a P.O. box address in Mountain View, California.

"The Apple I and II were designed strictly on a hobby, for-fun basis, not to be a product for a company. They were meant to bring down to the club and put on the table during the random access period and demonstrate: Look at this, it uses very few chips. It's got a video screen. You can type stuff on it. Personal computer keyboards and video screens were not well established then. There was a lot of showing off to other members of the club. Schematics of the Apple I were passed around freely, and I'd even go over to people's houses and help them build their own" (Wozniak).

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