Click on any database entry to see text and more images concerning that entry.
Use the Select Theme button to select one of more than 100 different Timelines.
You can specify a date range for any Timeline using the Date Range Slider on the left of the screen.
Database entries may be indexed to more than one Theme. If you click on a Theme at the end of an entry text you will see a timeline of that Theme.
Use the Show All button to view all the 5000 plus entries in the database in chronological order.
The Keyword Search reports both text and images for both single words or phrases. Place quotation marks around phrases or word combinations in the Keyword Search in upper right corner of the screen. Because the Keyword Search reports chronologically it presents a "timeline" on any search word or phrase.
Some entries also present links to Related Entries after their Themes listing.
Use the Maps program to display maps based on individual Themes.
Clicking on markers on a map will take you to timeline entries at that location.
The About section provides an overview of this project and links to useful online resources.
The Essays section includes a growing collection of brief essays concerning this twenty-year project.