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A: Stanford, California, United States

Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace

The front cover of Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace by Lawrence Lessig.

The front cover of Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace by Lawrence Lessig.


In 2000 Lawrence Lessig of Stanford Law School published Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, in which he argued:

"that cyberspace changes not only the technology of copying but also the power of law to protect against illegal copying (125-127). He explores the notion that computer code may regulate conduct in much the same way that legal codes do. He goes so far as to argue that code displaces the balance in copyright law and doctrines such as fair use (135). If it becomes possible to license every aspect of use (by means of trusted systems created by code), then no aspect of use would have the protection of fair use(136). The importance of this side of the story is generally underestimated and, as the examples will show, very often, code is even (only) considered as an extra tool to fight against 'unlimited copying'."

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