Detail map of Altstadt, Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany,Bamberg, Bayern, Germany Overview map of Altstadt, Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany,Bamberg, Bayern, Germany

A: Altstadt, Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, B: Bamberg, Bayern, Germany

The 36-Line Bible is Published

Circa 1459 to 1461

A 36-line Bible, in the so-called DK types (also known as the type of the 36-line Bible), and either printed in Mainz before 1460 or printed in Bamberg not after 1461, may be the third printed edition of the Bible. ISTC No. ib00527000.  

Arguments have been made for this work to have been printed by Gutenberg; another theory is that it was printed by Albrecht Pfister in Bamberg.

There is a copy in the Scheide Library at Princeton:

"Only 14 copies survive, all on paper. Scheide's copy once belonged to the Benedictines of Würzburg, whose convent was dissolved in 1803, and to Earl Spencer. When Scheide bought it at an auction in November 1991, no copy had been on the market for 200 years" (, accessed 01-15-2011).

♦ In November 2013 there were several digital facsimiles of the 36-line bible available. That at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek was available at this link

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