In 1476 printers Erhard Ratdolt, Bernhard Maler (Pictor), and Peter Löslein of Venice issued the Kalendario of Johannes Müller (Regiomontanus) in Italian. (ISTC no. ir00103000.) This was the first book in which the title and place, date, and printer's name appeared on a separate title page— an innovation that did not come into common use until the early 16th century. This book and a Latin version that Ratdolt, Maler and Löslein also issued in 1476 (ISTC No. ir00093000) were also the first books to be dated with Arabic rather than Roman numerals, and their title page was the first to be decorated with a woodcut border.
Prior to this date, and throughout the remainder of the 15th century, the title, place, and date of printing, as well as the printer's name were usually printed on the colophon leaf at the end of books, in the manner of medieval manuscripts. It took about 50 years after the invention of printing by movable type for the separate title page to become a convention.
♦ In November 2013 a digital facsimile of the Italian Kalendario was available from the Bayerisches Staatsbibliothek at this link. Also in November 2013 a digital facsimile of the Latin Kalendarium was available from the University of Oklahoma at this link.
Smith, The Title-Page, its Early Development 1460-1510 (2000) 43-46.