A: Centrum, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands, B: Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
"As of 3 September [2012], the Koninklijke Bibliotheek has discontinued access to the data of Book History Online (BHO). At the end of 2012, Brill Publishers will make the data accessible (see http://www.brill.com/publications/online-resources/book-history-online). Brill is developing a new website through which the data of BHO combined with those of the Annual Bibliography for the History of the Printed Book and Libraries (ABHB) will be available. This will enable researchers to search for book historical data in one file of c. 80,000 titles. Moreover, Brill will take care of an update for BHO. If you are interested in participating in this service, please contact Matthew McLean. As soon as the new website is online, it will be posted on this page."
Fees for the privatized online database posted in November 2012 were:
Outright purchase: 5,200 Euros
Installment price: 280 Euros
Annual subscription price: 750 Euros