A: Paris, Île-de-France, France
From 1884 to 1900 French librarian and paleographer Émile Chatelain issued Paléographie des classiques latins in 14 fascicules, the whole comprising more than 200 facsimiles of leaves from medieval manuscripts with explanatory text. The leaves reproduced ranged in date from the fourth to the fifteenth century. More than thirty classical authors were represented, with the facsimiles arranged chronologically by author. Often the page reproduced depicted a significant problem in the transmission of the text. Authors included were, according to the catalogue reference in OCLC in December 2013:
"Vol. 1, Principaux manuscrits de Plaute, Térence, Varron, Catulle, Cicéron, César, Salluste, Lucrèce, Virgile, Horace.
"Vol. 2, Principaux manuscrits d'Ovide, Properce, Tibulle, Tite Live, Perse, Juvénal, Pline l'ancien, Pline le jeune, Tacite, Pétrone, Martial, Lucian, Stace Valerius Flaccus, Phèdre, Sénèque, Quintilien, Valère Maxime Cornélius Népos, Suétone, Justin, Quinte Curce, Histoire Auguste Aurelius Victor, Ammien Marcellin."
In 1902 Chatelain issued Uncialis scriptura codicum latinorum novis exemplis illustrata (Paris, 1902).
As a service to paleographers, and also to preserve their copies of the original printings, the University Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign provided a website reproducing all of Chatelain's plates with his commentaries, and with references to more recent publications such as E. A. Lowe's, Codices Latini Antiquiores, that provided updated paleographical information. This I accessed in December 2013.