A: Berkeley, California, United States
On p. 16 of the printed edition of California Magazine 124, Winter 2013, there was an unsigned sidebar headlined "Data U." It contained a chart showing the spread of computing, or data-driven research, during the twenty years from 1993 to 2013, from a limited number of academic disciplines in 1993 to nearly every facet of university research.
According to the sidebar, in 1993 data-driven research was part of the following fields:
Artificial Intelligence: machine learning, natural language processing, vision, mathematical models of cognition and learning
Chemistry: chemical or biomolecular engineering
Computational Science: computational fluid mechanics, computational materials sciences
Earth and Planetary Science: climate modeling, seismology, geographic information systems
Marketing: online advertising, comsumer behavior
Physical Sciences: astronomy, particle physics, geophysics, space sciences
Signal Processing: compressed sensing, inverse imagining
By the end of 2013 data-driven research was pervasive not only in the fields listed above, but also in the following fields:
Biology: genomics, proteomics, econinformatics, computational cell biology
Economics: macroeconomic policy, taxation, labor economics, microeconomics, finance, real estate
Engineering: sensor networks (traffic control, energy-efficient buildings, brain-machine interface)
Environomental Sciences: deforestation, climate change, impacts of pollution
Humanities: digital humanities, archaeology, land use, cultural geography, cultural heritage
Law: privacy, security, forensics, drug/human/CBRNe trafficking, criminal justice, incarceration, judicial decision making, corporate law
Linguistics: historical linguistics, corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, language and cognition
Media: social media, mobile apps, human behavior
Medicine and Public Health: imaging, medical records, epidemiology, environmental conditions, health
Neuroscience: fMRI, multi-electrode recordings, theoretical neuroscience
Politcal Science & Public Policy: voter turn-out, elections, political behavior social welfare, poverty, youth policy, educational outcomes
Psychology: social psychology
Sociology & Demography: social change, stratification, social networks, population health, aging immigration, family
Urban Planning: transportation studies, urban environments