A: London, England, United Kingdom
With an image of the four-cylinder Applegath & Cowper printing machine on the masthead, in February 1834 mass media apologist and promoter Charles Knight launched a new periodical, "The Printing Machine: A Review for the Many." Under the masthead in small print Knight printed a quotation, undoubtedly from one of his own writings in The Penny Magazine: "What the PRINTING-PRESS did for the instruction of the masses in the fifteenth century, the PRINTING-MACHINE is doing in the nineteenth. Each represents an era in the diffusion of knowledge; and each may be taken as a symbol of the intellectual character of the age of its employment."
Knight repeated this masthead for the March issue but by the April issues Knight renamed the periodical The Printing Machine: Companion to the Library and removed the image of the Applegath & Cowper machine.