Cover of a book of Western Union telegram forms.
Creative Commons LicenseJeremy Norman Collection of Images - Creative Commons
Cover of a book of Western Union telegram forms, circa 1945.
Collection of Western Union telegraph stickers that could be pasted to telegrams when they were delivered or mailed.
Creative Commons LicenseJeremy Norman Collection of Images - Creative Commons
Collection of Western Union telegraph paper advertising stickers that could be pasted to telegrams when they were delivered or mailed.

The Use of Telegraphy Peaks in the U.S. with the Transmission of 236 Billion Messages in 1945

image of a Western Union telegram from the 1940s
Western Union telegram from the 1940s

In 1945 use of telegraphy peaked in the United States with the transmission of "236,169,000,000" messages during that year, presumably because this was the year in which so many soldiers returned home from World War II.

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