Detail map of Cupertino, California, United States Overview map of Cupertino, California, United States

A: Cupertino, California, United States

Apple Computer Introduces the Apple II, the First Personal Computer Sold as a Fully Assembled Product

A clever photograph of the standard configuration of the Apple II taken with the Wikipedia in mind since the monitor displays the Wikipedia logo.

A clever photograph of the  Apple II taken with the Wikipedia in mind since the monitor displays the Wikipedia logo. This typical 1977 configuration with 9" monochrome monitor, game paddles, and Red Book recommended RQ-309DS cassette deck.

In 1977 Apple Computer introduced the Apple II, the first personal computer sold as a fully assembled product, and the first with color graphics. When the first spreadsheet program, Visicalc, was introduced for the Apple II in 1979 it greatly stimulated sales of the computer as people bought the Apple II just to run Visicalc.

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