Ads inside front cover of the separate issue of Knight's Penny Magazine
Creative Commons LicenseJeremy Norman Collection of Images - Creative Commons
This separate issue included 5 pages of ads in front as well as ads inside the rear wrapper. In his ads for his own publication Knight referenced that several of them were being issued in parts. With respect to The Pictorial Gallery of Arts he indicated that because subscribers objected to the cost of color plates they would be reduced in later parts of the publication. This was a publication that included some color plates printed by the process that Knight invented.
Detail map of London, England, United Kingdom Overview map of London, England, United Kingdom

A: London, England, United Kingdom

Charles Knight's Disappointing Attempt to Publish a Continuation to "The Penny Magazine"

Upper printed wrapper of a separate issue of Knight's Penny Magazine
Creative Commons LicenseJeremy Norman Collection of Images - Creative Commons
The upper printed wrapper of a separate issue of Knight's Penny Magazine. It was very hard to find a separate issue with the wrappers and ads inside the wrappers; nearly all surviving copies of this short-lived periodical are bound volumes.

After he was forced to discontinue publication of The Penny Magazine in association with the SDUK in 1845, Charles Knight apparently could not resist an attempt to continue with the publication, even in a diminished form. I only discovered the existence of Knight's Penny Magazine by accident. It existed for only one year, in an octavo page format, rather than the original quarto format of the original series. Knight published two volumes of Knight's Penny Magazine through the year 1846. The one interesting marketing ploy that Knight appears to have added are the two semi-nude "muses" supporting two thinkers and writers on the title pages of the two volumes published. Knight also published advertisements inside the printed wrappers of the original issues of the magazine. As far as I knew in December 2020, this was Knight's first and last experiment with selling ads inside his publications.

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