Title page of the first edition of Linnaeus's Species plantarum (1753).
Title page of the first edition of Linnaeus's Species plantarum (1753).
Detail map of Norrmalm, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden Overview map of Norrmalm, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

A: Norrmalm, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

Linnaeus Develops Binomial Nomenclature for Plants

Hand color mezzotint of Linnaeus in Lapland costume
Creative Commons LicenseJeremy Norman Collection of Images - Creative Commons

Hand-colored version of this famous mezzotint of Linnaeus in a costume worn by the natives of Lapland, the Sami people.

In 1753 Swedish physician and naturalist Carl Linnaeus issued from Stockholm Species plantarum ("The Species of Plants"). Species plantarum introduced binary or binomial nomenclature (genus and species) for plants. Using this system, Linnaeus named, and therefore classified, all plants known to European naturalists at the time.

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