Detail map of Maxvorstadt, München, Bayern, Germany Overview map of Maxvorstadt, München, Bayern, Germany

A: Maxvorstadt, München, Bayern, Germany

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in "Second Life"


On its 450th anniversary in 2008 the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek offered selected web services and highlights of its unique collections, as well as a communication forum for library users in Second Life.

"The virtual presence of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is a reproduction of the famous library building in Ludwigstrasse, Munich, which is almost true to the original. The floor plan and the outside facades are true to the scale of the original building that was erected from 1832 to 1843. On the inside of the building the historical staircase, the Fürstensaal (prince's hall), the Friedrich von Gärtner hall and the marble hall were reproduced in accordance with the originals by means of state-of-the-art 3D technology. The reproduction of the staircase is particularly impressive in that it is accurate in every detail.

"The Fürstensaal contains an exhibition of a number of valuable manuscripts and historical printed works from the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, which can even be browsed virtually. Further virtual exhibits can be seen in the major reading room, which was also reproduced taking account of all details of the original room in Ludwigstrasse. A virtual exhibition of presentation boards informs about the eventful history of the Staatsbibliothek since its foundation in the year 1558. //However, the presence in Second Life primarily offers in-world access to the most frequently used web services of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: access to the online catalogue and the web site, a link to the virtual information service "question point" and the comprehensive offer of digital texts of the "Munich Digitisation Centre". Moreover, every avatar can directly access the "Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online" offering a broad variety of information and digital sources on Bavarian culture and history.

"Just like its role model in real life, the virtual Staatsbibliothek is intended to become a place of communication and interaction. Therefore the virtual inner courtyards offer a conference centre for virtual specialized and information events and a coffeehouse inviting visitors to interact casually. Regular in-world events are planned, which will introduce, among others, the multifaceted offers and services of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek" (, accessed 01-03-2010)

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