Detail map of München, Bayern, Germany,Brooklyn, New York, United States

A: München, Bayern, Germany, B: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Franke Issues the First Comprehensive Treatise on Computer Graphics with the First History of Computer Art

Cover of Computergraphik-Computerkunst, by H.W. Franke. Please click on image to see larger version of image.

Cover of Computergraphik-Computerkunst, by H.W. Franke. Please click on image to see larger version of image.

In 1971 Austrian scientist, science fiction writer, and computer graphics artist Herbert W. Franke published Computergraphik-Computerkunst in Munich at the press of F. Bruckmann.  Within the same year his book was also translated into English by Gustav Metzger and published by Phaidon in London and New York as Computer Graphics, Computer Art. In many respects Franke's extensively illustrated book was the first comprehensive treatise on computer graphics, representing the state of the art in 1971.  It also contained the first history of computer art in graphics, sculpture, film, music, architecture, theater and dance.

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