Detail map of Oberzell, Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Overview map of Oberzell, Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

A: Oberzell, Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Most of the Presses Sold by Koenig & Bauer Between 1825 and 1827 Are Driven by Hand-Cranks

From A. F. Bauer 1783 bis 1860. Würzburg: Koenig & Bauer, 1960, p. 28.

From A. F. Bauer 1783 bis 1860. Würzburg: Koenig & Bauer, 1960, p. 28.

In July 1827, from their manufacturing facility at the former monastery of Oberzell in Germany Koenig und Bauer published a list of the Druckmaschinen oder Schnellpressen (Printing Machines or Fast Presses) they had designed and manufactured, from the first machine for Mr. Bensley in London in 1813 to the most recent for Mr. Hostrup in Hamburg. Reflective of the slow development and limited availability of steam engines in Germany, most of the presses they sold between 1825 and 1827 were driven by hand-cranks rather than steam engines.

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