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Sewall Wright's Quantitative Theory of the Effects of Natural Selection on Populations

Sewall Wright (1923). History of the Marin Biological Laboratory.

Sewall Wright (1923). History of the Marin Biological Laboratory.

In 1931 American geneticist Sewall Wright at the University of Chicago published "Evolution in Mendelian Populations," Genetics 16 (1931) 97-159. This was the first detailed presentation of Wright's quantitative theory of the effects of mutation, migration, selection, and population size on changes in gene frequencies in populations. Together with R. A. Fisher and J.B.S. Haldane, Wright blended the science of population genetics with Darwin's theory of natural selection to create what was known as the modern evolutionary synthesis.

J. Norman (ed) Morton's Medical Bibliography 5th ed (1991) no. 253.1.

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